Gretchen & Shelby

Adoption Announcement!
Gretchen and Shelby were adopted, YAY!!!!! Not ONLY were they adopted by someone with dane experience, they were adopted by someone who can best be described as a dane legend, in many ways. Jean Bell has been around Danes for over 55 years, she bred show Danes for over 40! She found herself daneless and knew she had to remedy that and I CANNOT think of a better pair to keep her company than these PERFECT girls, it was love at first sight! Gretchen (which also happened to be the name of Jean’s very first dane!) was immediately taken with her (annnnnd with the HUGE basket of brand new toys to last a lifetime) and Shelby, well Shelby decided to just be herself and started getting comfy right away! I could not be happier for all involved! THIS is what it is all about! Making a difference, one Dane (sometimes 2) at a time! ❤ CONGRATULATIONS JEAN, and Happy Tails Gretchen and Shelby!