
Hunter is our feral boy whose trap/capture many of you witnessed in our 20 min live video. ISN’T HE GORGEOUS?!?!?!? Well, Hunter has been working hard, by baby steps, to get to where he is today! The progress with Bionic Dog Training, Robert Villaneda, has been slow and steady, but SIGNIFICANT! And he truly is sweet… he WANTS so badly to trust and allow human contact… he’s just not there yet.
Hunter, the practically feral dane from the trapping video a couple months ago, also the poppa to Princess’ dane puppies, is doing GREAT! With the help of @bionicdogtraining he has come a LONG way!!!!! He has DEFINITELY made some marked progress. For close to a month he would STILL poop and pee when approached to have a leash placed on him… he doesn’t anymore! THIS is what decompression looks like. People often want to know a time frame, “how long” will it take? 4 days? 2 weeks? A month? The answer is: As long as it takes. It is truly not something that can be rushed. It’s not something that is for our convenience, it is about the dogs.Their mannerisms, body language, eye contact, etc., will tell us when they are ready for their next steps. Rush it, and you’ll move 2 steps back. Happy to report that Hunter is doing GREAT (with the help of his girlfriend, Victoria )! And, though he is nowhere near ready for adoption, he MIGHT be getting ready for a foster… the RIGHT foster. I love this boy sooooo much! I was so excited that he licked my hand the other day! I was like a kid on Christmas morning!

Hunter is 2 years old.

Health Status
Hunter is neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.

Special Needs
Hunter is feral and we’re working on getting him to trust humans.

Hunter should go to a home without children.

Hunter should go to a home where he is the only dog.

Hunter should go to a home without cats.