

Princess Meet momma, Princess. She was surrendered to us pregnant and birthed 6 puppies. Princess is a fearful/skittish, insecure dog that is human reactive to strangers. This is something we will be working on with her, once puppies are weaned, Princess is healthy...


Charlie Meet, Charlie! Charlie is a 1.5 female dane that was an owner surrender due to unfortunate circumstances where Charlie had to be placed in a home with a GSD that did not get along with her. After careful consideration it was decided to rehome Charlie for...


Stella Stella is an 11 year old owner surrender to the Carson Animal Shelter. This girl is SUPER DUPER spunky and vivacious for an old lady! Her skin is in AWFUL shape (seems to be a theme around here lately) and she definitely needs some boundaries, but she is a...


Whitney Whitney is a 6 year old owner surrender that was at the Ridgecrest Animal Shelter for almost 6 weeks. It was reported that she lived with kids and animals, but there was an altercation with the chihuahua in the home so when the owners surrendered her they said...


Rumi Rumi came to us from Lancaster in SUCH TERRIBLE physical AND emotional shape, that they had this PUPPY listed as a 3 year old!!!! We took her in and have been diligently and consistently working with her, at a pace determined by her, to get her to where she is...